Unlike the figments that preceded it, f404 is a highly unstable entity that, while not very physically strong, is easily agitated and can induce a great amount of mental duress when one is in it’s angered presence. This figment posed a myriad of issues for a variety of reasons, first of which being that it seems to rapidly shapeshift into different abstract forms at an alarming rate, making it hard to reliably damage. Pictured below is the form it just so happens to shift into every time it is captured on camera, a phenomenon observed by and aptly dubbed ‘jane doe’ by lilith, of which they claim is the most common depiction for it to assume. after a long, arduous fight involving the ensemble prizm cast, lilith managed to corner it in a trapped room filled with cameras set to a rolling shutter, but it still managed to slink away before we could confirm its termination. Needless to say, due to its highly aggressive nature, this figment is required to be terminated on sight if it’s ever seen again.
- danger music.
- stranger music.
- happy music(?)
- things that shouldn’t exist
- music that doesn't exist
- rapid changes