Audrey II (Sponsored by Plant Gang)

Old Render

New Render

STRENGTHS: Power that only grows as time goes on- to city-destroying levels.
WEAKNESSES: Audience dissatisfaction, alternative endings.

Old Description:

Better wait a minute-- hold the phone!! Audrey II, the Mean Green Mother themselves, has arrived onto the scene from Outer Space, and she’s… actually kind of vibin’. But she’s still gonna whoop your ass into the next orbit. With their official endorsement from the Plant Gang, and their spokesperson on the scene, this toothy head of lettuce is on the path to victory!

Old Sources:

  • Aliens and plants
  • Any and all musicals
  • All mainline Mario games

New Description:

AUDREY II is a mean green mother from outer space, her words, not mine, who has apparently officially taken over her Earth. being a plant hivemind, it's only inevitable that one of her conduit plants would end up in something as anomalous as the jetblack. being that she could only move by duplication, the organizers of PRIZM arranged her agency, THE PLANT GANG, a horde of competitive piranha plants, working as and under their head operative, IVY, the head of the organization. AUDREY II and IVY performed well early on, but got deforested by two industrial opponents. while bitter, they hold no grudge.

New Sources:

  • Mainline Mario / 3D Platformers
  • Musicals / Theater / Performing Arts
  • Nature / Aliens/Kaiju
  • New York City / Big Band / Jazz / 60s Girl Groups